The Sarangbang was a study and drawing room for the husband, the head of family and was used for receiving guest. Therefore, it requires having simple and peaceful atmosphere. Unadorned and simplified furniture are preferred to use in this room. Most of furniture is made by paulownia or pine wood which are lusterless and occasionally, zelvoka and old persimmon wood with beautiful texture are used as the material for furniture. Various kinds of furniture are usually found in Sarangbang ; the furniture used to study like Seoan, Yeonnsang, Mungap, Chaekjang, and Ichungjang, the artifacts used for lighting, for example, Jwadung or Dungga, stationeriey items like s Piltong, Jitong, Pilgyeok, many boxes used to keep small items and documents, a large board in which Dambaedae, Yoenchoham, Tagu and Jaetteoli are placed, Gobi and Pilga which are usually hang on the wall, and many items like Manggeontong, Joagyeong, Mokchim and Palgeoli.
Anbang is a room for housewife and female members. Though, reflecting Confucian values of the time, it was separated from outside, it was important center of family life. Comparing with Sarangbang, it is cozy and sung. The furniture used in this room is not only simple but also beautiful and well decorated with a mother of pearl and horn. Jang and Nong which were used to keep cloths for four seasons and socks are main furniture used in Anbang. There were Mungap with lower height and various kinds of Ham(box) which used to hold daily items.
There are wooden furniture and wooden utensils used in kitchen. The main furniture is Chanjang or Chantak. They are very solid wooden chest used to keep the piles ceramic wares. Besides, there are various kinds of ¡®Duiju¡¯, which is used to hold rice and grains, made of solid pinewood in order to protect food from noxious insects, and different types of ¡®Soban¡¯, a dining table, mainly made of gingko wood which is fine?grained and has little weight for easy conveyance.
There are various kinds of artifacts which were used in daily life. They are generally divided into two categories ; one is the artifacts used by male members like Dungjan, Hwaro, Jaetteoli, and Dalbaedae and the other is the artifacts used by female members such as Binyeo, Geoul, Darimi and Maetdol. Those artifacts, which were used by our ancestors, are rapidly disappearing the present days.
Folk artifacts are very significant materials which help us to understand our history and the way of life of ancestors. Although the curriculum of primary school includes folklore, it is not so sufficient to understand real aspects of traditional way of life. The fifth hall, in which the artifacts appeared in the primary school textbook are displayed, would help students who visit the museum to understand various aspects of traditional culture.
Changho literally means windows and doors and classified into three groups ; The first is ¡®Bangmun¡¯ (room door) which mediate between inside and outside of building, the second is ¡®Daemun¡¯ (a front gate) which mediate between inside and outside of garden, and the third is ¡®Chang¡¯ (window) which is used for taking in light and ventilating air. Those doors and windows were made for not only practical usage but also decorative part of building.